Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it. ~Ferris Bueller
He wasn’t kidding! I’ve been blogging since 2006 . . . but never quite found a groove or direction for my ramblings. Mostly, in the beginning, I interpreted blogging as an online diary of sorts. If you know me today, you would never believe that my blogs used to be “private.” One of the very first sites I wrote on was called Xanga. Not sure if it still even exists. Xanga, like many other sites, allows the author to choose the visibility level of your posts. Most of mine were private because I didn’t know if I really wanted to share my thoughts with the entire world, or even if anyone would be interested in anything I had to say.
Then there was Blogspot, which proved to me that I really was Blogluvin! Still, it was more of a Welcome to Cuc’s life site.
Nowadays, WordPress is the platform that I use. My very thoughtful boyfriend, Josh bought this for me. My very own site:
I am not a private person. I do love to share! I love to capture moments with friends, with food, with sunsets. I like to write; I have opinions; I have a voice. . . and some may criticize me for over-sharing, but I won’t apologize for it. When considering a name for this blog, I really loved the notion of “Chasing Life!” My philosophy has been pretty straightforward: You have a dream, make it happen. And Josh dubbed it as me just doing my thing: Just CUC it! I’m a verb. I DO THINGS. LOTS of Things! EVERYTHING!
Life, indeed, has been moving pretty fast lately . . . Feastly is my newest love! I still can’t believe that I am able to share my food with others again! I truly love it. If you have not checked it out, do so! You won’t regret it! We need more cooks in the Houston area. I would be happy to chat with anybody who is interested in throwing their chef hat into the ring!!!
With planning, hosting and cooking just about every other weekend, my busy-bee days are outnumbering my scrabble-coffee sippin days! Sorry Joshy :/
What’s kept my sanity? Planning and looking forward to our 3 day getaways every now and then. I think this is so important for your brain, your heart, your passion to stay ignited! Our most recent adventure was to San Diego and Tijuana! How many sunsets have you seen lately? Me? Two. And they were the most magical moments I’ve experienced in a long time!
The Rodeo is in full effect and volunteering is always so much fun. I’ve blogged about this event before, but one of the experiences I get to be a part of is called Lil’ Rustlers and I cannot justly describe how ahhhmazing it makes you feel to see all the smiles, the little hands holding yours tightly, the big, bright eyes overwhelmed by the love, cheers and applause from the crowd in the stands. . . . for a few minutes, these wonderful, sweet babies help remind you how precious life is! Gosh, my chest fills with emotions just reliving it now.
So here comes my cheesy list of ingredients to happiness:
1. Call and say hello to the ones you love often!
2. Schedule a mini vacation with your sweetheart at least every 2-3 months – even if its just a drive into the country to the beach!
3. Write down your dreams/goals and move in that direction. Every journey starts with the first step!
4. Take lots of pictures! The smiles and memories that they conjure up in the future will be worth it!
5. Never pass up an opportunity to hold a hand or share a hug. Physical connections nurture closeness and fortify those bonds.
6. Let bygones be bygones. Your world will be a better place with less negativity in it.
Cheers to Chasing Life!