
happy cuc

 Welcome to JustCucIt!

I have been such a slacker . . . my boyfriend purchased this website for me, so I moved my blog to WordPress and was supposed to be working on “going public!”  but life, laziness and procrastination has ruled my world of blogging!

I hope you’ll visit my site regularly.  I promise to be a better, more attentive blogger from now on.  Cross my heart!


About me?  These days, I don’t wear quite as many hats as I used to . . . but iterations of being Cuc have been anything but normal.

First and foremost, I am a mom to my sweet, smart, and handsome baby boy, Jonah (19 still counts as a baby when he’s yours).   I work full-time as a contractor at Chevron.  I am the Nemba Project’s SharePoint SME (Subject Mattter Expert).  I kind of just stumbled into SharePoint about 6 years ago and made myself comfortable 🙂

I’ve been a bar owner, a sushi restauranteur, an artist, a teacher, a graphic designer . . . .  these are just the highlights!

 my past



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